"Live One  Day  At  A  Time" 


Its so Simple. Yet profoundly effective...

Science has confirmed that nature has provided your body with IN BUILT mechanisms to maintain balance and repair itself.

Your body is a network of bio-electric channels starting from the tip of each finger, going through the framework of the body and ending in the toes.  As long as the electricity flows properly, the body remains healthy and pain-free.

Problems arise when the natural electrical currents do not flow free or reach certain parts of the body.  This results in pain and illness.

 By applying Acupressure on the exact spot of the electric endings in your hands and feet, the flow of electricity resumes---allowing your body to get back to its original health; without pain.

This technique has been applied to Parkinson, Austistic patients and other Neurological disordersStroke and cancer patients have also used Ayurvedic therapies.  Diabetes, High Blood pressure, Post-Partem Depression and Carpal tunnel are a few of the many disorders which can be addressed with reflexology and accupressure.


Acupressure Effective in Helping to Treat Traumatic Brain Injury, Study Suggests

ScienceDaily (Feb. 28, 2011)  A new University of Colorado Boulder study indicates an ancient form of complementary medicine may be effective in helping to treat people with mild traumatic brain injury, a finding that may have implications for some U.S. war veterans returning home.

The study involved a treatment known as acupressure in which one's fingertips are used to stimulate particular points on a person's body -- points similar to those stimulated with needles in standard acupuncture treatments, said CU-Boulder Professor Theresa Hernandez, lead study author. The results indicate a link between the acupressure treatments and enhanced cognitive function in study subjects with mild traumatic brain injury, or TBI.

"We found that the study subjects with mild traumatic brain injury who were treated with acupressure showed improved cognitive function, scoring significantly better on tests of working memory when compared to the TBI subjects in the placebo control group," said Hernandez, a professor in CU-Boulder's psychology and neuroscience department. "This suggests to us that acupressure could be an effective adjunct therapy for those suffering from TBI."

The acupressure treatment type used in the study is called Jin Shin. For the study, Hernandez and her colleagues targeted the 26 points on the human body used in standard Jin Shin treatments ranging from the head to the feet. The study subjects all received treatments by trained Jin Shin practitioners.

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